* 이 글은 드림코딩 by 엘리님 강의를 참고하여 만들었습니다.
오스트랄로피테쿠스가 크로마뇽인(?)이 되는 것처럼 코드가 진화하는 내용을 이곳에서 담았습니다.
절차지향적인 코드가 객체지향적으로 변모하는 모습을 기록하기 위해 이번 글을 쓰게되었습니다.
주제는 커피머신입니다. 다양한 커피를 만들기 위한 머신과 이를 통해 추출할 수 있는 여러 커피들을 TypeScript + OOP로 구현했습니다. 코드는 순차적으로 보시면 좋을 것 같습니다. 그럼 시작하겠습니다
1. without-oop (절차지향 코드)
type CoffeeCup = {
shots: number;
hasMilk: boolean;
const BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT: number = 7;
let coffeeBeans: number = 0;
function makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
if (coffeeBeans < shots * BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT) {
throw new Error("Not enough coffee beans!!!");
coffeeBeans -= shots * BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT;
return {
hasMilk: false,
coffeeBeans += 3 * BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT;
const coffee = makeCoffee(2);
2. class (클래스를 도입한 코드, 객체지향적으로 나아가는 코드)
type CoffeeCup = {
shots: number;
hasMilk: boolean;
class CoffeeMaker {
static BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT: number = 7; // 변하지 않는 숫자임 > 메모리 낭비를 줄이기 위해 > class level > 클래스 내에서 공유 될 때 사용
coffeeBeans: number = 0; // instance (object) level
constructor(coffeeBeans: number) {
this.coffeeBeans = coffeeBeans;
static makeMachine(coffeeBeans: number): CoffeeMaker {
return new CoffeeMaker(coffeeBeans);
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
if (this.coffeeBeans < shots * CoffeeMaker.BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT) {
throw new Error("Not enough coffee beans!!!");
this.coffeeBeans -= shots * CoffeeMaker.BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT;
return {
hasMilk: false,
const maker = new CoffeeMaker(32);
const maker2 = new CoffeeMaker(18);
const mker3 = CoffeeMaker.makeMachine(3);
3. 클래스 + 캡슐화 (밖에서 노출하고 싶은 것들만 Public으로 설정)
type CoffeeCup = {
shots: number;
hasMilk: boolean;
// public
// priavate
// protected
class CoffeeMaker {
private static BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT: number = 7; // class level
private coffeeBeans: number = 0; // instance (object) level
private constructor(coffeeBeans: number) {
this.coffeeBeans = coffeeBeans;
static makeMachine(coffeeBeans: number): CoffeeMaker {
return new CoffeeMaker(coffeeBeans);
fillCoffeeBeans(beans: number) {
if (beans < 0) {
throw new Error("value for beans should be greater than 0");
this.coffeeBeans += beans;
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
if (this.coffeeBeans < shots * CoffeeMaker.BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT) {
throw new Error("Not enough coffee beans!!!");
this.coffeeBeans -= shots * CoffeeMaker.BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT;
return {
hasMilk: false,
const maker = CoffeeMaker.makeMachine(32);
// maker.coffeeBeans = -34; 이렇게 설정이 가능하면 유효하지 않음
// Getter, setter
class User {
constructor(private firstName: string, private lastName: string) {}
get fullName(): string {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
private internalAge = 4;
get age(): number {
return this.internalAge;
set age(num: number) {
if (num < 0) {
throw new Error("smaller than 0");
this.internalAge = num;
const user = new User("Steve", "Jobs");
const user1 = new User("Santos", "Kim");
user.age = 6;
5. Abstraction - 추출
type CoffeeCup = {
shots: number;
hasMilk: boolean;
interface CoffeeMaker {
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup;
interface CommercialCoffeeMaker {
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup;
fillCoffeeBeans(beans: number): void;
clean(): void;
class CoffeeMachine implements CoffeeMaker, CommercialCoffeeMaker {
private static BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT: number = 7; // class level
private coffeeBeans: number = 0; // instance (object) level
private constructor(coffeeBeans: number) {
this.coffeeBeans = coffeeBeans;
static makeMachine(coffeeBeans: number): CoffeeMachine {
return new CoffeeMachine(coffeeBeans);
fillCoffeeBeans(beans: number) {
if (beans < 0) {
throw new Error("value for beans should be greater than 0");
this.coffeeBeans += beans;
clean() {
console.log("cleaning the mashine.....");
private grindBeans(shots: number) {
console.log(`grinding beans for ${shots}`);
if (this.coffeeBeans < shots * CoffeeMachine.BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT) {
throw new Error("Not enough coffee beans!!!");
this.coffeeBeans -= shots * CoffeeMachine.BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT;
private preheat(): void {
console.log("heating up....");
private extract(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
console.log(`Pulling ${shots} shots....`);
return {
hasMilk: false,
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
return this.extract(shots);
const maker: CoffeeMachine = CoffeeMachine.makeMachine(32);
// maker.coffeeBeans = -34; 이렇게 설정이 가능하면 유효하지 않음
const maker2: CoffeeMaker = CoffeeMachine.makeMachine(32);
// maker2.fillCoffeeBeans(30); CoffeeMaker 인터페이스에서 설정한 부분 때문에 호출 불가능
const maker3: CommercialCoffeeMaker = CoffeeMachine.makeMachine(32);
* ------------------------------------------- 더 직관적인 방법 -------------------------------------------------------------
class AmateurUser {
constructor(private machine: CoffeeMaker) {}
makeCoffee() {
const coffee = this.machine.makeCoffee(2);
class ProBarista {
constructor(private machine: CommercialCoffeeMaker) {}
makeCoffee() {
const coffee = this.machine.makeCoffee(2);
const maker4: CoffeeMachine = CoffeeMachine.makeMachine(32);
const amateur = new AmateurUser(maker4);
const pro = new ProBarista(maker4);
6. inheritance - 상속
type CoffeeCup = {
shots: number;
hasMilk: boolean;
interface CoffeeMaker {
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup;
class CoffeeMachine implements CoffeeMaker {
private static BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT: number = 7; // class level
private coffeeBeans: number = 0; // instance (object) level
protected constructor(coffeeBeans: number) {
this.coffeeBeans = coffeeBeans;
static makeMachine(coffeeBeans: number): CoffeeMachine {
return new CoffeeMachine(coffeeBeans);
fillCoffeeBeans(beans: number) {
if (beans < 0) {
throw new Error("value for beans should be greater than 0");
this.coffeeBeans += beans;
clean() {
console.log("cleaning the mashine.....");
private grindBeans(shots: number) {
console.log(`grinding beans for ${shots}`);
if (this.coffeeBeans < shots * CoffeeMachine.BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT) {
throw new Error("Not enough coffee beans!!!");
this.coffeeBeans -= shots * CoffeeMachine.BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT;
private preheat(): void {
console.log("heating up....");
private extract(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
console.log(`Pulling ${shots} shots....`);
return {
hasMilk: false,
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
return this.extract(shots);
class caffeLatteMachin extends CoffeeMachine {
constructor(beans: number, public readonly serialNumber: string) {
private steamMilk(): void {
console.log("Steaming some milk....");
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
const coffee = super.makeCoffee(shots);
return {
hasMilk: true,
const machine = CoffeeMachine.makeMachine(23);
const latestMachine = new caffeLatteMachin(23, "SSSS");
const coffee = latestMachine.makeCoffee(1);
7. Polymorphism - 다형성
type CoffeeCup = {
shots: number;
hasMilk?: boolean;
hasSugar?: boolean;
interface CoffeeMaker {
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup;
class CoffeeMachine implements CoffeeMaker {
private static BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT: number = 7; // class level
private coffeeBeans: number = 0; // instance (object) level
public constructor(coffeeBeans: number) {
this.coffeeBeans = coffeeBeans;
static makeMachine(coffeeBeans: number): CoffeeMachine {
return new CoffeeMachine(coffeeBeans);
fillCoffeeBeans(beans: number) {
if (beans < 0) {
throw new Error("value for beans should be greater than 0");
this.coffeeBeans += beans;
clean() {
console.log("cleaning the mashine.....");
private grindBeans(shots: number) {
console.log(`grinding beans for ${shots}`);
if (this.coffeeBeans < shots * CoffeeMachine.BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT) {
throw new Error("Not enough coffee beans!!!");
this.coffeeBeans -= shots * CoffeeMachine.BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT;
private preheat(): void {
console.log("heating up....");
private extract(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
console.log(`Pulling ${shots} shots....`);
return {
hasMilk: false,
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
return this.extract(shots);
class caffeLatteMachin extends CoffeeMachine {
constructor(beans: number, public readonly serialNumber: string) {
private steamMilk(): void {
console.log("Steaming some milk....");
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
const coffee = super.makeCoffee(shots);
return {
hasMilk: true,
class SweetCoffeeMaker extends CoffeeMachine {
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
const coffee = super.makeCoffee(shots);
return {
hasSugar: true,
const machines: CoffeeMaker[] = [
new CoffeeMachine(16),
new caffeLatteMachin(16, "1"),
new SweetCoffeeMaker(16),
new CoffeeMachine(16),
new caffeLatteMachin(16, "1"),
new SweetCoffeeMaker(16),
machines.forEach((machine) => {
8. Composition(1) - 구성(1)
// 상속의 문제점: 수직적으로 기능을 상속하기 때문에, 기능의 확장에서 불안한 요소가 존재, 만약 하더라도 구조가 복잡해질 가능성이 존재
// 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해서 Composition이 등장
type CoffeeCup = {
shots: number;
hasMilk?: boolean;
hasSugar?: boolean;
interface CoffeeMaker {
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup;
class CoffeeMachine implements CoffeeMaker {
private static BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT: number = 7; // class level
private coffeeBeans: number = 0; // instance (object) level
public constructor(coffeeBeans: number) {
this.coffeeBeans = coffeeBeans;
static makeMachine(coffeeBeans: number): CoffeeMachine {
return new CoffeeMachine(coffeeBeans);
fillCoffeeBeans(beans: number) {
if (beans < 0) {
throw new Error("value for beans should be greater than 0");
this.coffeeBeans += beans;
clean() {
console.log("cleaning the mashine.....");
private grindBeans(shots: number) {
console.log(`grinding beans for ${shots}`);
if (this.coffeeBeans < shots * CoffeeMachine.BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT) {
throw new Error("Not enough coffee beans!!!");
this.coffeeBeans -= shots * CoffeeMachine.BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT;
private preheat(): void {
console.log("heating up....");
private extract(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
console.log(`Pulling ${shots} shots....`);
return {
hasMilk: false,
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
return this.extract(shots);
class CheapMilksteamer {
private steamMilk(): void {
console.log("Steaming some milk....");
makeMilk(cup: CoffeeCup): CoffeeCup {
return {
hasMilk: true,
class CandySugarMixer {
private getSugar() {
console.log("Getting some sugar from candy...........");
return true;
addSugar(cup: CoffeeCup): CoffeeCup {
const sugar = this.getSugar();
return {
hasSugar: sugar,
class caffeLatteMachin extends CoffeeMachine {
beans: number,
public readonly serialNumber: string,
private milkForther: CheapMilksteamer
) {
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
const coffee = super.makeCoffee(shots);
return this.milkForther.makeMilk(coffee);
class SweetCoffeeMaker extends CoffeeMachine {
constructor(private beans: number, private sugar: CandySugarMixer) {
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
const coffee = super.makeCoffee(shots);
return this.sugar.addSugar(coffee);
class SweetCaffeLatteMachine extends CoffeeMachine {
private beans: number,
private milk: CheapMilksteamer,
private sugar: CandySugarMixer
) {
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
const coffee = super.makeCoffee(shots);
return this.milk.makeMilk(this.sugar.addSugar(coffee));
const machines: CoffeeMaker[] = [
new CoffeeMachine(16),
new caffeLatteMachin(16, "1", new CheapMilksteamer()),
new SweetCoffeeMaker(16, new CandySugarMixer()),
new SweetCaffeLatteMachine(
new CheapMilksteamer(),
new CandySugarMixer()
new CoffeeMachine(16),
new caffeLatteMachin(16, "1", new CheapMilksteamer()),
new SweetCoffeeMaker(16, new CandySugarMixer()),
new SweetCaffeLatteMachine(
new CheapMilksteamer(),
new CandySugarMixer()
machines.forEach((machine) => {
9. Composition(2) - 구성(2) *********************** 마지막 코드
type CoffeeCup = {
shots: number;
hasMilk?: boolean;
hasSugar?: boolean;
interface CoffeeMaker {
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup;
interface MilkFrother {
makeMilk(cup: CoffeeCup): CoffeeCup;
interface SugarProvider {
addSugar(cup: CoffeeCup): CoffeeCup;
class CoffeeMachine implements CoffeeMaker {
private static BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT: number = 7; // class level
private coffeeBeans: number = 0; // instance (object) level
coffeeBeans: number,
private milk: MilkFrother,
private sugar: SugarProvider
) {
this.coffeeBeans = coffeeBeans;
fillCoffeeBeans(beans: number) {
if (beans < 0) {
throw new Error("value for beans should be greater than 0");
this.coffeeBeans += beans;
clean() {
console.log("cleaning the machine...🧼");
private grindBeans(shots: number) {
console.log(`grinding beans for ${shots}`);
if (this.coffeeBeans < shots * CoffeeMachine.BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT) {
throw new Error("Not enough coffee beans!");
this.coffeeBeans -= shots * CoffeeMachine.BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT;
private preheat(): void {
console.log("heating up... 🔥");
private extract(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
console.log(`Pulling ${shots} shots... ☕️`);
return {
hasMilk: false,
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
const coffee = this.extract(shots);
const sugarAdded = this.sugar.addSugar(coffee);
return this.milk.makeMilk(sugarAdded);
class CheapMilkSteamer implements MilkFrother {
makeMilk(cup: CoffeeCup): CoffeeCup {
console.log(`Steaming some milk🥛...`);
return {
hasMilk: true,
class FancyMilkSteamer implements MilkFrother {
makeMilk(cup: CoffeeCup): CoffeeCup {
console.log(`Fancy!!!! Steaming some milk🥛...`);
return {
hasMilk: true,
class ColdMilkSteamer implements MilkFrother {
makeMilk(cup: CoffeeCup): CoffeeCup {
console.log(`Cold!!!! Steaming some milk🥛...`);
return {
hasMilk: true,
class NoMilk implements MilkFrother {
makeMilk(cup: CoffeeCup): CoffeeCup {
return cup;
class CandySugarMixer implements SugarProvider {
addSugar(cup: CoffeeCup): CoffeeCup {
console.log(`Adding Candy sugar...`);
return {
hasSugar: true,
class SugarMixer implements SugarProvider {
addSugar(cup: CoffeeCup): CoffeeCup {
console.log(`Adding sugar...`);
return {
hasSugar: true,
class NoSugar implements SugarProvider {
addSugar(cup: CoffeeCup): CoffeeCup {
return cup;
// Milk
const cheapMilkMaker = new CheapMilkSteamer();
const fancyMilkMaker = new FancyMilkSteamer();
const coldMilkMaker = new ColdMilkSteamer();
const noMilk = new NoMilk();
// Sugar
const candySuger = new CandySugarMixer();
const sugar = new SugarMixer();
const noSugar = new NoSugar();
const sweetCandyMachine = new CoffeeMachine(12, noMilk, candySuger);
const sweetMachine = new CoffeeMachine(12, noMilk, sugar);
const coldLatteMachine = new CoffeeMachine(12, coldMilkMaker, noSugar);
const latteMachine = new CoffeeMachine(12, cheapMilkMaker, noSugar);
const sweetLatteMachine = new CoffeeMachine(12, fancyMilkMaker, noSugar);
console.log(sweetMachine.makeCoffee(1), "--------sweetMachine-----");
console.log(coldLatteMachine.makeCoffee(1), "--------coldLatteMachine-----");
console.log(latteMachine.makeCoffee(1), "--------latteMachine-----");
10. Abstract - 추상화 (보너스)
type CoffeeCup = {
shots: number;
hasMilk?: boolean;
hasSugar?: boolean;
interface CoffeeMaker {
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup;
abstract class CoffeeMachine implements CoffeeMaker {
private static BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT: number = 7; // class level
private coffeeBeans: number = 0; // instance (object) level
public constructor(coffeeBeans: number) {
this.coffeeBeans = coffeeBeans;
fillCoffeeBeans(beans: number) {
if (beans < 0) {
throw new Error("value for beans should be greater than 0");
this.coffeeBeans += beans;
clean() {
console.log("cleaning the mashine.....");
private grindBeans(shots: number) {
console.log(`grinding beans for ${shots}`);
if (this.coffeeBeans < shots * CoffeeMachine.BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT) {
throw new Error("Not enough coffee beans!!!");
this.coffeeBeans -= shots * CoffeeMachine.BEANS_GRAMM_PER_SHOT;
private preheat(): void {
console.log("heating up....");
protected abstract extract(shots: number): CoffeeCup;
makeCoffee(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
return this.extract(shots);
class caffeLatteMachin extends CoffeeMachine {
constructor(beans: number, public readonly serialNumber: string) {
private steamMilk(): void {
console.log("Steaming some milk....");
protected extract(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
return {
hasMilk: true,
class SweetCoffeeMaker extends CoffeeMachine {
protected extract(shots: number): CoffeeCup {
return {
hasSugar: true,
const machines: CoffeeMaker[] = [
new caffeLatteMachin(16, "1"),
new SweetCoffeeMaker(16),
new caffeLatteMachin(16, "1"),
new SweetCoffeeMaker(16),
machines.forEach((machine) => {
< 참고자료 >
[사이트] #드림코딩 by 엘리
<TypeScript> OOP end
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